
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/23 15:48:26
Street vending thus came under savage attack throughout the modernist era. While one of the criticisms lodged against this activity was its purported inefficiency, the real problem was it was too competitive with formal retail outlets, unless they were located in optimal "modern" areas. Since supermarkets could not put street vendors out of business through market mechanisms, they had to use the police system to do it. The solution, therefore, was to ban or over-regulate street vendors while at the same time redesigning urban spaces in which they could no longer exist. Suburban subdivisions, urban decay, and urban renewal proj ects were all a vigorous part of this process in the First World. In the Third World, the same processes were obviously put in place, but with varying success due to the lack of modernist penetration of society and the ability of those in the informal economy themselves to evade or resist the modernist encroachment on their livelihoods. In Mexico City,


在整个现代派时期,街头小贩受到了猛烈抨击。尽管一种批评意见表面上是指责街头小贩效率低下,但真正的问题是,如果不把这些街头小贩安置在最好的“现代”区域,那么街头小贩对正规零售企业的竞争酒会过于强大。由于超市无法用市场机制将街头小贩赶尽杀绝,于是就请警察来达到自己的目的。解决办法就是禁止或过度管理街头小贩,同时重新规划城区布局,从而使得街头小贩无法生存。在第一世界(即发达国家),多如牛毛的郊区细分、城区衰退以及城市更新等工程其实都是为了将街头小贩赶尽杀绝。在第三世界(即发展中国家), 所使用的伎俩也如出一辙,但成效却不尽相同,其原因是现代派对社会的渗透程度还不够,以及在这类非正规经济中的一些人无力逃避或反抗现代派对他们生计的围追堵截。例如,在墨西哥城,一个非同寻常并且无所不包的压制和市场重建规划仅仅使得街头小贩在二十世纪六十年代消失不到十年时间,但在重新复出时却更加强劲(1998年全年)。在加州的洛杉矶市,街头小贩也于二十世纪五十年代后期被基本消除,直到二十世纪八十年代才又大规模卷土重来。
